Cancellation Policy
In order for us to be able to manage our waiting list and fill all available time slots, the following cancellation policy applies:
Please give us 48 hours notice if you need to cancel a lesson for any reason. Any cancellations made after this time will be charged at the normal rate unless the lesson has been rescheduled for an alternative time.
Wherever possible, rescheduling the lesson is the preferred course of action; please notify us as soon as possible to make arrangements.
It is reasonable to accept that a parent/student may occasionally have cause to cancel a lesson without notice due to illness or other unavoidable circumstances and, in those instances, the cancellation charge may be waived at our discretion. In the unusual event that this happens repeatedly, a "make-up" credit will be issued for the student to reschedule the lesson to a later date.
We will endeavour never to cancel a lesson without mutual agreement and adequate notice. In extenuating circumstances, such as illness, every effort to reschedule the lesson will be made.
In the case of a no-show to Zoom lessons, a text will be sent to the parent and we will remain on the call for 10 minutes to allow for late arrival.
Giving notice: Please give a full two weeks of notice should you decide to stop tuition .